Hospitality / Window25 & Furfor

Window25 & FurFor is a cluster focused on hotel concept that operates nationally and internationally. Its structure is based on industrial units of furniture, upholstery

and lighting, all of which are adapted to the projects.

Offering high range of products of its partners, in addition to the quality and

competitiveness of each one individually, adding aspects of coordination and

control of costs, achieving a vertical and articulated relationship between

customer and producers.

Through its project management teams, we are able to fully deliver the

hotel’s concept design project to finest detail.

We know that the criteria of accuracy, quality and compliance with deadlines,

in a sustained and competitive way, are fundamental for our clients. Therefore,

the integrated management provided by our services assures customers

confidence and serenity in the completion of their project.

A Bed With Table With Long Windows and Double Drapes
A Room With With Drapes Over Grey Drapes Windows
A Cream Walled Bedroom With White Bedsheet and Orange Duvet
A Restaurant With Laid Down Tabled and Glasses
A Wood Cutting Machinery Cutting Wood
A Machine Cutting Slices of Wood Planks in a Line
A Warehouse With Piles of Wooden Planks